8 Month old Mayushri Need urgent heart surgery to survive

$1519 Raised


of $3344 Goal from 124 supporters



Subject: Update: Mayushri's Successful Surgery and Discharge from Hospital

Dear Esteemed Donors,

We hope this message finds you well and filled with joyous anticipation.

We are thrilled to share with you the wonderful news regarding Mayushri's health journey. Today, after a long and arduous battle with her health issues, I am delighted to inform you that Mayushri's operation has been successfully completed, and she has been discharged from the hospital.

Throughout her time in the hospital, Mayushri underwent serious medical evaluations and received the necessary treatments with the utmost care and attention. Thanks to your generous support and unwavering kindness, Mayushri was able to receive the critical medical intervention she needed to address her congenital heart condition.

I am overjoyed to report that Mayushri is doing remarkably well post-surgery. Her recovery progress has been promising, and the medical team has provided a positive outlook for her future health. It is truly heartwarming to witness her resilience and strength, which have been bolstered by your collective compassion and support.

Your contributions have made a tangible difference in Mayushri's life, and her family is immensely grateful for the opportunity to see their precious child thrive. Your generosity has not only saved a life but has also restored hope and happiness to a family in need.

As we celebrate this milestone moment, I extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you for your selfless contributions and unwavering support. Your kindness has touched lives in ways that words cannot express, and your generosity will be remembered forever.

Mayushri's successful surgery and discharge from the hospital mark the beginning of a new chapter filled with hope, healing, and endless possibilities. Thank you for being a beacon of light in her journey toward a brighter, healthier future.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Lets Contribute Foundation

Dear Donors, 

In the heart of the tranquil village, Vizhudonipalayam, near Gudiyattam, resides the courageous couple, Prem Kumar and Kousalya. United by love at the tender ages of 19 and 21, they defied familial expectations and embraced matrimony, leading to their excommunication from both sides. The sole breadwinner, Prem Kumar, ekes out a living in the construction industry.

Their story takes an even more poignant turn with the arrival of their daughter, Mayushri, in May 2023. Blissfully unaware of any impending challenges, the young family's world took a sudden turn when, at the age of 5 months, Mayushri developed a high fever. Concerned and undeterred, they sought medical advice, leading them to a revelation that would change their lives.

An Echo Cardiogram, made possible by the benevolence of Prem Kumar's friends, uncovered a congenital heart condition. The Gudiyattam doctor recognized the complexity of the situation and referred Mayushri to MIOT International for specialized treatment.

Today, at 8 months old, Mayushri's tiny heart bears the weight of a diagnosis: Large subaortic VSD with inlet extension, Mild pulmonary Stenosis, and Dysplastic Pulmonary Valve. The recommended course of action is intricate - VSD Closure – ASD Closure, along with an inspection of the pulmonary valve and valvectomy for correction.

This journey to heal Mayushri's heart comes with an estimated cost of Rs. 2,80,000 (Rupees Two Lakh Eighty Thousand only), covering surgery, ICU and hospital stay, post-operative investigations, and medications. A substantial amount for a family whose sustenance relies solely on the daily toil of Prem Kumar in the construction field.

In the spirit of compassion and solidarity, we invite you to be a part of Mayushri's transformative narrative. Your support can turn the pages of adversity into a tale of resilience, hope, and healing. Visit our campaign at [Campaign Link] to contribute and make a difference in Mayushri's life.

Let's join hands to mend a tiny heart and script a brighter future for Mayushri.

For Direct Account Transfer:

let's Contribute Foundation 

Account No: 10137533382

Ifsc Code: IDFB0080536

Bank Name: IDFC BANK

(Kindly share your transfer details to ask@letscontribute.in to get donation receipt)

Fundraiser Documents


A Fundraiser By

Chime Miot Hospital

Top 5 Donors

Venkatraman Krishnamurthy

$ 119

Senthil Kumar

$ 60

Ramya Swamidhoss

$ 60


$ 50

vivek soundarajan

$ 50

Supporters 124